Ways to Work With Me

Stop waiting for the right time!

Now is the time to truly step up and put yourself and your well-being first, you have been prioritising everyone but yourself for so long and where has it got you? 

Now is the time to heal your inner child and let go of limiting beliefs and the subconscious blocks that have been standing in the way of your health, your earning potential, your happiness, and the relationships you deserve.

Elevated You™

A 6-month intimate and intensive 1-2-1 therapy and coaching program completely tailored to your needs around unique and Copyrighted Potential Prohibitor Archetypes®

You're an intelligent, professional woman who has yet to embrace,  celebrate and own her unique gifts and talents.



You have been playing small for too long, and despite the outward successes in some areas of your life, you don't feel worthy or deserving of love, happiness, success, and abundance simultaneously.  You have been driven by the fear and anxiety of not being good enough. 

It's time to stop running away from yourself, heal from your subconscious blocks, childhood wounds, and get off the roller coaster of imposter syndrome and self-doubt, over-work, and exhaustion and indecisiveness.

Instead, step into the whole, healed, and unstoppable woman you were created to be so that you can enjoy achieving your potential and give yourself the gift of self-validation,  self-trust and immense gratitude for the life that you are building while having fun along the way.

Elevated academy™

The  7-month academy is based on my unique copyrighted  4 Potential Prohibitors Archetypes® to heal the 4 childhood wounds that keep us stuck.  I and every single woman that I have worked with have had these archetypal wounds which have stopped her from stepping into her full potential and being successful in every area of her life.

The 4 archetypal childhood wounds are the Attachment wound (The Pursuer®), the Less than wound (The Accomplisher ®), the Relationship wound (The Pleaser®), and the Abundance wound (The  Doubter®).  

Group programme

Group programme

True success is healing and growing into a woman who can have financial, emotional, physical, relationship,  and spiritual success simultaneously.  From a place of inner peace and trust. It's the inner transformation that allows us to step into our God-given potential.

You have been pushing your dreams and desires down for too long. You haven't felt worthy, deserving, enough, and or capable because of the Potential Prohibitor archetypes®.

Let's change that rapidly in the Elevated Academy ™.

Feminine & Flourishing™

A 4-week Live programme to tab into and reclaim your feminine energy and learn to love the unique woman that was created to be. 

Step into your soft life in a spiritually fulfilling Allah-centered framework

Group programme

Group programme

Becoming a believer™

As we explore the root causes of disconnection, this programme serves as the cornerstone for rebuilding a resilient and meaningful relationship with Allah. Our collective struggles, from childhood to adulthood, may manifest as unworthiness, fear, and self-doubt. Together, we unravel these challenges and pave the way for healing.

Group programme

Group programme