Elevated Academy™
A unique 7-months group therapy and coaching program with Naima Mohamed
There is no doubt that you want to step into the woman you know you were meant to be, and even though you're a little scared, you’re ready to take control of your life.
To finally uncover what’s really needed to let go of the fear and anxious thoughts that have been keeping you stuck and playing small when you know there is so much more to you.
You are enough as you are and now is the time to let go of not feeling ‘good enough or ‘less than’ and reclaim the potential Allah (SWT) gave you. After all, he only created one of you, and you ARE a walking miracle.
“My main struggles were stress, low self-esteem and confidence, boundaries, and self-trust issues which made me overthink and worry about making decisions.
I have a sense of freedom and lightness from my issues, I have excellent coping mechanisms, I know and recognise my self-worth now and so I can put boundaries in place, and I can say no. I feel like being in the driving seat of my own life. Throw away the limiting belief that says you’re not worth the time and investment and CHOOSE you”
Who am I?
I am Naima Mohamed, the founder of the female healing and wellness hub, creator of the Emotional repatterning technique ®, as well as the Potential Prohibitor Archetypes ® and the founder of the Elevated Academy ™ 7 months therapy and coaching program.
For the last 14 years, I have been transforming and helping people achieve their full potential. In the last 5 years, following my own healing journey (having overcome anxiety, overthinking, people-pleasing, imposter syndrome, and adrenal fatigue due to significant childhood trauma). I have been focusing on empowering women like you to recognise, identify and overcome subconscious blocks, to heal their inner wounds and trauma from previous experiences based both in childhood and adulthood.
It's time to let go of the subconscious blocks that have been standing in the way of your health, happiness, and full potential!
“I was really struggling with anxiety, self-doubt, and self-sabotage. I thought the worst about myself, struggled with my confidence and I was a huge people-pleaser. I didn’t think I deserved anything better. I didn’t know how to change it
I moved to the UK to work in a new hospital and my anxiety was at an all-time peak. By the second month, my supervisor commented on how I was doing as well as someone who had been working there for years. My mindset changed everything, my confidence, the way I presented myself, and the way I talked and I could feel it all. I started a training post I thought would be 2 years down the line.”
Elevated Academy™ program is for you if:
You take ages agonising over decisions and ask others again and again for their opinions because you’re scared of making the wrong decision.
You sign up for courses or certifications or say you will apply for a promotion or a job. But then you spend lots of mental energy avoiding actually doing it, you feel overwhelming resistance to getting started (fear of failure/success).
You worry about what others think about you or what they will say about you when you’re not there. You want everyone to like you and expend lots of energy on trying and controlling the opinion of others.
You ruminate on the past and fixate on what you could have done differently, the ‘what if’ black hole that makes you unhappy and anxious about the past.
You worry about all that could go wrong in the future and you’re unable to enjoy all the blessings of the moment.
At work or in life, you are constantly worried and anxious about others catching you out, about getting it wrong, about others finding out that you're actually not as good as they think you are.
You spend a lot of mental energy and time doing what you know will make others happy at your expense because you want others to approve of you, to accept and validate you.
You spend a long time overthinking about how to make a task perfect instead of good enough. Anyone being able to find ‘fault’ with your work makes you feel exposed and vulnerable and this acts as a block.
You have tried many other healing methods, coaches, and ALL the self-development courses and even mindset work out there, and still, you feel stuck.
What is the Emotional Repatterning Technique®
A lot of us have tried personal development programs or even had life coaching and it made us feel better about ourselves at the time. However, those deeply hidden blocks are not always available to us and it feels like you take two steps forwards and one step back. It uses my unique Emotional Repatterning Technique ® to enable deep, impactful transformation and growth on many levels (subconscious and conscious) within a spiritual Allah centered framework.
Emotional Repatterning Technique® does this by dressing the subconscious root cause from your past, helping you to let go of past emotional baggage while simultaneously working on present conscious blocks to supercharge your action taking and increase your Tawakal and Yaqeen.
Some of the results my clients have had:
Deep healing from trauma, including sexual abuse.
Healing from not-enoughness and self-care becoming effortless.
Changing careers and getting several promotions after letting go of perfectionism and fear of failure.
Healing from parentification and realising they are not responsible for everyone's happiness and well-being.
Setting boundaries with loved ones and others in their lives, no longer feeling as if they’re being taken advantage of or resentful.
Learn to say no and not feel guilty because they no longer feel their worth is based upon how others feel about them.
Meeting and marrying emotionally available and healthy men as a result of healed father/mother wounds.
Applying for and getting lucrative contracts in the Middle East and Singapore.
Saved marriages from divorce due to healing from childhood codependency and parental wounds.
Overcoming postnatal depression and the mother guilt associated with it.
Huge positive shifts in significant relationships with parents, siblings, and children due to healing from relationship wounds.
Healing from narcissistic relationships due to healing from ‘ not enoughness’ and once again believing in their innate self-worth.
Women with unexplained infertility fall pregnant as their subconscious feels safe about becoming a mother.
Learning to recognise and manage their emotions instead of burying, hiding, and not knowing why they feel upset, overwhelmed, or burnt out.
Letting go of anxious feelings and embracing Tawakal (trust in Allah) on a subconscious level.
“I have always struggled with confidence issues and self-esteem for as long as I can remember. My low self-esteem meant that I felt like I was not able to feel confident in putting myself out there for my business. Have felt for a long time that I wasn’t good enough to do the things that I wanted to like build my business. I have had therapy before having gotten out of a toxic relationship and I felt better for a while, but I was still being triggered and I just didn’t feel like conventional therapy worked for me.
Since working with Naima I am feeling so much more confident in my decisions and the way I view myself and my story. I trust myself and I have been able to make some big decisions that I didn’t feel I could proceed with before. Naima worked with me to get to the root cause of my beliefs and changed the way I saw them and now I feel distant from my past and I feel for the first that I am truly healed. Working with Naima was an inspiring decision on my part, I can’t recommend her enough. Thank you so much!”
My clients are women just like you, incredible but yet to believe in themselves and their God-given worth. This is absolutely possible for you too!
What makes it unique?
The Elevated Academy™ is the culmination of my own healing, my work with 100’s of women and all of my qualifications (Psychology degree, NLP, Time line therapy, RTT and Transformation coaching). It uses my unique Emotional Repatterning Technique ® to enable deep, impactful transformation and growth on many levels (subconscious and conscious) within a spiritual Allah centrened framework.
The relationship we have with ourselves via self-love and the liberty that comes with that.
What it means to feel whole and worthy as a woman, unleashing our ability to achieve our full potential by believing in ourselves.
On how we can achieve thriving healthy relationships with others via boundaries, by finding the balance between being assertive and loving while being a good person but not overgiving at the expense of our time, energy, and resources.
What it really means to have an abundance mindset and know that you can have it all and that you are deserving of having it all without having to do it all.
What’s included?
The aim of this package is deep transformative healing from all 4 of the Potential Prohibitor Archetypes ® that have been blocking you from stepping unapologetically into your healthiest, happiest, most successful self rapidly and dramatically.
4 units covering 5 modules (+bonus resources) each with 2 integration weeks built-in to catch up and integrate the new learning, insights, and rewiring.
Dedicated Kajabi workshops to accompany each unit with unique practical tools to help you reflect on and build skills.
A powerful and deeply healing therapy session for every unit (4 in total) accompanied by transformational rewiring audio to listen to throughout each unit (4 in total).
Dedicated Facebook group with our team to support you through challenges and celebrate your wins.
Weekly group coaching session on zoom, live-streamed into the dedicated private Facebook group (available for catch-up anytime).
A weekly celebration of your wins to give the subconscious mind evidence of your growing success.
PLUS Extras
Access to Naima via WhatsApp, where you can get additional coaching in real-time during the program (during working hours).
Deeply healing 1-2-1 therapy sessions with Naima for each unit (4 in total) during the program.
Personalised transformational rewiring audio to listen to for 30 days (4 in total).
What are the benefits?
The benefits are immeasurable and continue long after you have finished, you will be a completely different person. Healing makes us better in every way, for ourselves and everyone else.
Self-care becomes effortless.
People-pleasing is a thing of the past.
Relationships with significant others improve.
You become compassionate with yourself and with others.
You tap into courage you didn’t realise you had.
You learn to let go of the fear of failure/fear of success.
Doors open for you and opportunities come your way and you recognise them as such.
You develop lifelong emotional regulation habits.
Your value of yourself and what you believe you can have increased.
You develop spiritually, as you connect with yourself. You connect with your Lord.
You embrace your strengths while being aware of and working on your weaknesses.
You let go of comparison because you learn to feel good about yourself.
You become judgment, rejection, and criticism proof because you are no longer in need of validation.
(These prices are subject to regular increases*)
I work with women who are ready for real, transformational, and life-long healing by unlocking their self-worth and value, believing that abundance is available to them, creating boundaries and getting out of pleasing people, and increasing self-worth and ‘enoughness’. To do this work with me is currently only £2,900 over a 7-month period for the group and £6000 for the 7-month group PLUS.
The emotional, mental, spiritual, and lifetime investment return is absolutely priceless.
(Payment plans are available)
To join this program is by Application only.
We care about you and want to make sure that this specific program is right for you. To ensure that you get the transformations that you are looking for and that I want for you B’ithnillah.
We care about your success and a large part of how effective coaching and therapy is , is based on the relationship and connection that you have with your coach/therapist. It's important that we are a good fit for each other and that you feel safe with me to do this work Insha Allah, hence the application before you join.